MOTHER ~ Motherhood Blend


For the MOTHER who is seeking a deeper connection with herself again or/and to release what no longer is serving her to hold onto.

9 in stock


Remedy Declaration Guide:

  • I dive deep into myself to search for the connection I seek
  • I will find myself again, it takes time ~ I am patient with myself
  • I listen deeply for the voice of my intuition ~my truth~ that lay within my womb
  • My heart opens, My light shines out - I know who I truly am
  • My baby/child/children knows deep love through all I do every day for her/him/them, all I am doing is enough
  • I integrate the birth experience with my baby on all levels - physically, mentally and spiritually


MOTHER ~ 'Motherhood' Blend is a combination of the below flower essences:

Releases  Enhances
Banksia Robur Disheartened, Frustrated Enjoyment of life, Enthusiasm, Interest in life
Black Eyed Susan Impatience, Overcommitted, Constant striving; Slowing down,Inner peace
Bottlebrush Overwhelmed by major life changes Serenity and calm, Ability to cope
Dog Rose of Wild Forces Anxiety, mental uneasiness Calm and centred, Emotional balance
She Oak Female emotional imbalance Emotionally open to conceive, Female emotional balance
Sturts Desert Rose Guilt, Regret and remorse, Easily led Courage Conviction, True to self Integrity
Tall Yellow Top Loneliness, Isolation, Abandonment Sense of belonging, Ability to reach out


Product Information & Dosage: Each 30ml Flower Remedy bottle contains the flower essence blend & is filled with 1/3 organic brandy (functions as a preservative) and 2/3 purified water. Seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for 14 days alongside your House of She Remedy Ritual More details on this and a “Guided Grounding” link are provided with your purchase to support you.